Monday, March 23, 2020

A "Politician's Paradise"

When the GOP watches Democrats suppress the vote and marginalize the people, they know who their real friends are. It's good cop and bad cop, back and forth, in American politics, and at the end of the day, the good cop and bad cop live in the same neighborhood, they work together, their kids go to school together. Get it?

"The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen. As yet there is only one country which has succeeded in creating this politician's paradise"
~Bertrand Russel 

Regarding recent primaries, there were significant discrepancies between many polling figures and the final vote counts in several states. If one just considers that in Texas and California alone, had the vote count reflected the exit polls, Biden's charge would have been seen as challenged, such is the difference in delegates assigned. These are discrepancies that both the UN and the Organization of American States recognize as sizeable enough to warrant suspicion.
You and I both know that many voters are going with who they perceive as a winner, especially late in the season. This kind of thing is how the 2016 primaries went down. Significant irregularities were brushed under the rug and the media led the charge, in unison and on message, that the momentum had shifted. The same thing happened with Biden. Many expected him to take most of those southern states that he took at the beginning of this "charge" but that's not how it sounded all across the airwaves that day and the next. Nope, this was a comeback, as if Bernie had been on his way to winning fifty states.
It's all about how fast and hard you can sell a narrative because, once sold, they often take on a life of their own.
Roughly a week ago, somebody compiled the numbers, comparing CNN polls and others in determining just how far off the vote counts were from the exit polls and the difference was alarming to many, exceeding the margin of error expected in transparent election processes by many.
All it takes is fraud in a handful of strategic moments, in strategic states, and the rest can be totally legitimate. It only takes one day, as long as everyone connected to major media outlets stays on message, to shift the momentum of a campaign and one day of staying on message is a lot easier than maintaining such an effort over weeks, which is why this was going to have to happen on a day like Super Tuesday, especially with more and more people watching the process closely than ever before.
New tricks are forthcoming in future elections, rest assured.

  Then there's the crap in this meme. This stinks. Have you noticed that we no longer talk about intervening in other countries to spread democracy? It's because it's a losing argument in a country without its own free elections. We have conceded that we don't have the high ground in this matter any longer; even making such a claim opens up a dialogue that is not convenient to these oligarchs. Instead we talk about national interest, because if we don't invade this country or that, we won't have squat due to the fact that manufacturing is disappearing from this country!!
If you don't make your own stuff and you want to have stuff, you have to take it because if you don't make our own stuff, you don't even have anything to trade for the stuff that others made. Enter banking and currency to obscure that it's simply theft. Anybody that insists on having a lot and not making much is going to have to have to use force. This is the simple truth that we all fail to grasp.
A vote for anybody but Bernie is a vote for empire and climate destruction.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The World is not Your Oyster - It is Our Home and We Will Defend It

 “There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!”

~ Mario Savio

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Under Cover of Coronavirus 30,000 US Soldiers Arrive in Europe (Without Masks)

SNIP: "The transport network of the EU will therefore be tested by 30,000 US soldiers, who will deploy throughout the European region , exempted of the Coronavirus standards. This is confirmed by a video showing the first 200 soldiers of the US Army Europe arriving in Bavaria on 6 March. While in Lombardy, only a few hundred kilometers away, more severe standards are in place, in Bavaria, where the first European outbreak of Coronavirus was noted, US soldiers just off the plane shook hands with German authorities and kissed the comrades without any masks."

Never mind that a civilian employee at U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria tested positive Wednesday!

Of course, now that the exercises have been canceled, our poor troops are stuck in Europe with nothing to do. How convenient.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The individual is faced with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists...

 Roberts Orders Lawton off JFK Limo - Leaves Him Exposed! 

Agent Roberts orders Agent Lawton off the back of John F. Kennedy's limousine, effectively sealing the President's fate. He is obviously dismayed as he raises his arms three times in protest. Other agents in the can be seen reacting as well. Normally, he would be on the back of the car all the way, ready to protect the President. Please see my other JFK video at this weblog!

"The individual is faced with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists." - J. Edgar Hoover

Still from that Magic Moment at Dealey Plaza

Ignore the top of Kellerman's head, oily is his hair and and reminiscent of a barrel. Similarly, don't fall for that being Greer's arm pointed directly back in what would be a caricature of the motion required to make the shot. It's not his arm. You can trace it all the way back to the end of the car so it's a panel.

I maintain there is movement regarding the driver's hand and since the limo is not turning, his hand is doing something else (see video by scrolling down on this blog). However, even if that is his right hand, and it actually is on the wheel, that would be required to maintain proper direction for a speedy getaway immediately upon firing. If he is leaning back, the shot HAS to be being made with his left hand or he has to turn COMPLETELY around and it is a point blank shot for a secret service agent who, I'll warrant, is no novice.

Whether or not his right hand is on the wheel doesn't even come to bear on this conclusion.

You can see the line that is Greer's knuckles and the distance between the knuckles and the front of his hand is farther than the distance between the knuckles and the part of his hand that is toward the rear of the vehicle. Unless his fingers are all distended directly forward and outward, he isn't holding the wheel. If his fingers were wrapped around a gun, knuckles folded over, they would be behind the part of his hand that is between knuckles and wrist if he was firing toward the President. IF his hand is folded closed, it is pointed backward.

Looks to me like his right hand is on the wheel and his left is pointed backward.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Hong Kong's coronavirus response is like something out of a horror flick...

Who here even heard of corona virus six months ago?

"We just need to make sure that nobody knows until everybody knows.." -Rear Admiral Lyle Haggerty, in 'Contagion', played by Bryan Cranston..

..i.e., until it's too late!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Weaponisation of Hate

How the CIA Watched Over the Destruction of Gary Webb

First, let's hear from Webb in his own words...

What follows is excerpted from the link at the bottom of the post:

 Eighteen years after it was published, “Dark Alliance,” the San Jose Mercury News’s bombshell investigation into links between the cocaine trade, Nicaragua’s Contra rebels, and African American neighborhoods in California, remains one of the most explosive and controversial exposés in American journalism.

 The 20,000-word series enraged black communities, prompted Congressional hearings, and became one of the first major national security stories in history to blow up online. It also sparked an aggressive backlash from the nation’s most powerful media outlets, which devoted considerable resources to discredit author Gary Webb’s reporting. Their efforts succeeded, costing Webb his career. On December 10, 2004, the journalist was found dead in his apartment, having ended his eight-year downfall with two .38-caliber bullets to the head.

Much more here: How the CIA Watched Over the Destruction of Gary Webb

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

A little background on yours truly...


By 1999, I had been involved in a degree of online activism for about two years. I was just becoming aware of the level of online surveillance that occurred, managed by the National Security Agency. The full extent of it would not be made plain to me until about three years later but what I had already found out necessitated resistance, I thought.

So we devised a plan to get millions of people, worldwide, to send out emails on October 21, 1999, that would contain a long list of known keywords in the NSA's Echelon dictionary. Echelon monitors phone calls and emails for known keywords and other 'suspect' patterns. If you mention the word 'bomb', for instance, a hundred times in a months, a human will be reading your emails and evaluating you as a potential threat. If you set up a Hotmail account and send an encrypted email, the same day, to Baghdad, a red flag most definitely will go up. I think you get the idea.

The alert we sent out globally managed to get translated into at least seven languages. Very soon, though I had conducted all of this via webmail, I was getting vaguely threatening emails in my home AOL account. I left family, house, and home in order not to endanger them and went underground for a while. I thought that I would be safe. What I would soon find out was that my interests had been recorded as a signature in some surveillance CPU. I was alright for about a week but when I got online on a public computer in Santa Cruz, California and began to merely catch up on news, suddenly a two-year period of intense harassment would begin.

Jam Echelon Day had targeted the premier surveillance outfit in the world. What had I expected - that they wouldn't find me? We had brought awareness of Echelon from conspiranoia trash to the spotlight of Sixty Minutes. I had personally done an interview with the Village Voice. Yeah, they had figured out I was Robert Kemp.

Today, according to the Patriot Act, such a fight to publicize a lack of American privacy is categorized as terrorism. We knew we would not jam up the computers but we knew that by getting people to participate we would raise awareness.

Over the next two years I would be harassed and come to know the meaning of hell, at least my own personal one. When one is homeless, and one has few options, cornering such a person into certain situations becomes easy. Soon, I was experiencing sleep deprivation, constant innuendos by people I didn't recognize, attempts to hook me on methamphetamine, and on and on...

A woman who was a very close friend of mine for over a year, one day, told me she had been assigned to me. With the Aryan overtones that had managed to make their way into my life, I dropped her like a sack of potatoes and have not returned to California since. I went to Boulder, Colorado which turned out, as well, to be a mistake. While California is behavior modification central, Boulder is defense contractor central, where the harassment is less subtle and more direct.

Here, near the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, near umpteen NRO, NGIA, CIA, NSA, and DOE contractors, I would happen upon a vein of research that would open a Pandora's box of revelations regarding 9-11 and America's drone program.

It was at the Boulder RTD bus depot that I would receive the first in-person death threat that I had ever had. An Alabama boy (judging by his drawl) with war written all over him would say these words: "I am going to kill you."


Monday, March 9, 2020

William Cooper was wrong, and he was right....

This is the exact moment that the driver's hand moves, the moment he brings the limo to almost a complete stop, the second he stops looking where he's going in order to look back, and leans over a bit.

Now, ignore the top of the other agent's head which is often confused with the barrel of a gun, so slick is his hair, although it seems almost as if one can see a barrel just barely above the agent in the passenger seat and is that the tip of the barrel sticking behind said agent? Notice that this is also the exact instant when the last shot hits Kennedy, the moment the Governor and his wife lean far to the left of the vehicle, and the very second that a cloud seems to appear in front of the President's head.

If it's not the weapon, diagonal shot across the driver's chest was still possible with a long barrel since Kennedy was a little to the right, still, and everyone else was out of the way. Greer seemed to be stopping for the photo op, as if he knew just where Zapruder stood - and who he was.

The trauma had to be maximized in order to sap the will of an increasingly dissatisfied American public, a people that was beginning to organize in some serious ways. Trauma leads to vastly increased suggestibility, by the way. It's called psychological operations.

The only people that would have noticed were very close, limiting their numbers and most died rather soon thereafter. Most would have followed the sound of the other copycat shot fired right "on top" of the other, complete with smoke. Shoot, a firecracker might have been all it took to distract most the other way, but if it was a rifle shot it might easily have drowned out the sound of a gas powered pistol, again, unless you were close.

Notice also that at no point did Zapruder, a Ukrainian born Zionist and a confirmed thirty-third degree Freemason, take an interest in filming anything but John F. Kennedy's grisly end. He showed no interest in the commotion to his right or in who the assassins might be. Similarly, he doesn't so much as flinch after any of these shots. He seems to know he is perfectly safe. He also was positioned, conveniently where the "umbrella man" and his "radio man" were obscured. Any sane man would have been concerned about bullets flying around them unless, perhaps, the film was central to the op, a manipulation that would drag us deeply into Vietnam.

Jackie knew where the threat was and responded accordingly. The three on the steps of the grassy knoll who have a closeup, front and center view, instantly start to move backward and away from the limo.

Remember remember,
the fifth of November,
the day William Cooper was shot.
He tried to warn us,
as Jones joined the chorus,
May his death not be forgot!

I was in touch with Bill in his last few months alive. He was not right about everything and even, seemingly, very wrong about others but he was a patriot, true and blue, and not a nationalist. There's a difference. I believe he was finally killed because of his Veritas Newswire coverage of the days between September 5, 2001 and September 11 of that same year. These would have been the days to cover the NRO satellite that went into orbit and went operational on the eighth and, it seems likely, facilitated Operation Vigilant Guardian, yet another terror drill that went live, its participants not knowing they were dealing with an actual attack instead of a simulation.

Oh yeah, welcome to my weblog.

Cheers!  :-)